First Call’s Feel Great Guarantee!

We want you to feel great about your new furnace or air conditioning purchase with First Call.

  1. Transparent Prices
    There’s no question that a new furnace or air conditioner is a big investment and we do whatever we can to make this decision easier for you.
    • We put all our prices on our website
    • We offer virtual quotes to get you a price quickly
    • We offer easy-to-qualify financing
    • We’ll apply for any applicable rebates and warranties on your behalf
  2. Comfort Guarantee
    Selecting the right-sized equipment is just as important as installing it correctly. Our comfort advisors perform a heating or cooling analysis for each home to make sure your equipment will work exactly how you need it to. And if it’s not right, we’ll make it right.
  3. Green First Guarantee
    This industry-leading program minimizes our environmental footprint by selling eco-friendly heating and cooling systems, paperless quoting and invoicing, managing a recycling program for excess materials and using a fuel-efficient vehicle fleet.
  4. Warm Hearts Guarantee
    We know the reason we’re here is because of the support of our amazing community. That’s why we always give back to worthy and wonderful local causes like the food bank, Sherwood Park Rams football club, or our Warming Hearts furnace donation.
  5. “Step Up for You” Guarantee 
    We are a proud locally owned and operated company, and we guarantee that if you’re dealing with the crazy weather, we are too! Whether it’s a brutal cold
    snap, or the hottest summer heat wave, we’ll do whatever we can to ensure your comfort at home.


Book an Appointment

To book a service or request a free estimate give us a call on 780-464-3337, or fill out our online appointment form and a representative will be in touch right away.